Since 1 West African CFA Franc is equal to 0.0109 Trinidad and Tobago Dollars, we could say that n West African CFA Francs are equal to 0.0109 times n Trinidad and Tobago Dollars. In other words, we could use the following formula:
Trinidad and Tobago Dollars = West African CFA Francs x 0.0109
For example, let's say that we want to convert 2.0 West African CFA Francs to Trinidad and Tobago Dollars. Then, we just replace West African CFA Francs in the abovementioned formula with 2.0:
Trinidad and Tobago Dollars = 2.0 x 0.0109
That is, 2.0 West African CFA Francs are equal to 0.0218 Trinidad and Tobago Dollars.